
I was right..

The THUNDER is on it's way here again!!!! 

Badass thunderstorm!!! :D

That was f*****g fantastic last night! Recorded the storm from my backyard and I got some really amazing shots...
There's a good chance we'll see more of this tonight because the weather is still unbearable hot and humid...YES!!!


Still not well...

This really suck...I'm still not free of that flu...and my second week of my vacation is starting tomorrow...well they say that it's either 3 days or 3 weeks when getting the flu. I can see what's ahead of me then...grrr!!!!


Having the flu...

It's sooo wonderful to start your vacation with the flu...just my typical luck! I felt the beginnings of it last friday when I got off from work...and this weekend has been a nightmare...feels like I'm coughing up my lungs...autch! And I also have a fever...which I usually don't get when I have the flu...
Well, at least I'm glad I'm not at work right now...

I don't think I've had a fever since starting T and having it now feels different than before T...I'm not as sore in my body as I was before when having it...weird!


And the drama continues...

For a few days there's been this weird smell in my hallway and today I saw that water is leaking in through the roof...and when the repairmen where here to see where the problem is they told me it's coming in through a electric cable from my neighbours apartment...apparently the cabel is broken somewhere and when there's a leak in the nextdoor apartment it flows all the way into my apartment inside that cabel...and I would understand if it were a neighbour above me but since there's no one above me. So it's coming from the apartment beside me...this is sooo fucked up!


Time for a change!

Decided to change my blog name because my other one was to depressing...I don't want to be reminded of my cancer every time I log onto this site...soooo...therefore the new name.

I have finally managed to get my drawing done..it turned out pretty good...I'm not 100% satisfied with it but it'll do...maybe I should make a different blog that will contain my drawings and other stuff that I'm making...I have to think about it..because I don't know if I want to put them on this blog but we'll see...
My next work is going to be something with Rizzoli & Isles...I have planned on making a drawing of Sasha Alexander...it's actually in progress already...and then I'm going to make a Rizzles drawing..I have found some really good drawings on google and My World of Arts on facebook..CHECK IT OUT! Fantastic work...her name is Bay Keech...and she draws Rizzoli & Isles..that is awesome!!! :D
Now I need to get ready for bed, got work in the morning. Counting the days now...5 more workdays then it's vacation time...YES!!!!