
Infection it is!

Okey...so they didn't do an ultrasound after all...because it is an urinary infection that I have...so now I'm on a 10 days medication for that. Thank GOD it wasn't something worse!! They also think that I have had this infection since late january (since the surgery) and it's always been there lurking. I have had symptoms many times before but since there's been no fever I just thougt there was no infection. Maybe my CRP was high, I don't know...they just told me I have a massive infection...nice! That would explain the tiredness that I thought was because of my thyroxine...but no that is probably due to the infection. I still am sore in my backside...and it hurts around the right kidney area...but hopefully it will go away now with the medication!  The doctor was a little concerned that the infection might have travelled up to my kidneys but she still thought we should try this first. So 9 days left of medication...and hopefully I'm fine by then! Fingers crossed :P

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